Wednesday, June 4, 2008

" I don't know. I'm making this up as I go!"

To coin a line from the first Indiana Jones movie seems appropriate right now. Yes, we saw the new Indiana Jones the other day...but that's not what this is all about. By the way, the movie wasn't as bad as some people say! Not great...not bad.

I've always been not only a dreamer, but a planner. Where I seem to short is in being a finisher. Or at least I have been accused of that (by others and by yours truly) for a long time. The reasons make no matter at this point in my life. But, my point is: Life is like the outline of a movie script or a novel. The actual finished version is realized one day at a time. The penciled-out scheme only makes it to print as each thing happens...including the ending.

I know a lot of people who could be considered better finishers than I am. But when asked about dreams and plans, they have no answer. It's not a bad thing, simply living in the moment, it's just the way some folks are (and some folks aren't).

I recently had a conversation with someone very close in age to myself. A conversation about dreams, plans, and the so-called "bucket list" some of us have. You know, that list of things to do before you kick the bucket? He has none. He does have the plan to retire from his long-standing job as early as possible and draw retirement. "What do you wanna do then?", I asked him with envious curiosity. "I don't know", he replied shrugging his shoulders, "I don't care. As long as I don't have to work any more". Well, I suppose that is indeed a "plan".

Sometimes it seems my plans and dreams are more Walter Mitty-esque than what could be described as pragmatic or realistic. So be it. One must continue to write (in pencil) that outline for life. Filling in the blanks as they present themselves. For life in the future is most certainly a blank canvas. The only completed works of art are in the past. There is no finish line. The only limitation is time...and that runs out before you know it. Game over.

Pass the nuts, please!

Yours truly

Yours truly
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