Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Life in the Day - Damn those bacon and eggs!

With visions of all these things dancing in my head...thoughts of who-knows-what that just don't seem to go away...I will attempt to put a few words into this cyber self-therapy journal on a semi-regular basis. Now that I have that disclaimer, lie, and promise out of the way...

Bacon and eggs...genetic predispositions...impending grandparenthood...illusions of grandeur (past and present)...growing old(er)...busted careers...crazy schemes...olympic envy...self-loathing prophecies...debilitating insecurities...the man in the mirror...addictions (past and present)...thoughts on women...the bucket list...The Pollyana Syndrome...The Peter Pan Syndrome...The Peter Principle...Jobs I've Hated...Jobs I've Loved (not a short list, a non-existent one) (or lack thereof)...the traumatic amputation of my left index finger at age 4...that plane crash at age (or lack thereof)...right brain, left brain, no brains?...the novel...the screenplay...did I mention bacon and eggs?

Are bacon and eggs one of the reasons I am sitting here with a 10 inch scar on my sternum? A souvenir surgically inflicted for the purpose of saving my life and caused by eating too much bacon and too many eggs? Bah...humbug! Would that trophy on my chest be there if I had subscribed to the Gorilla Diet as a teenager? Would those 12 stainless steel wires preventing my rib cage from bursting open and spilling out entrails and alien demons like Kane in the movie Alien be there if I had really enjoyed eating spinach, tofu, and seeds instead of french fries, chimichangas, and lard? Let's not forget smoking. What a disgusting habit that is!

But, you know what? There's not much I can do about those nasty habits now. Except, maybe stop doing them. And until I can get my flux capacitor up and running, I can't change much of what has already flowed under this tired bridge.

Change, you say? Sure, it is the one constant in our lives that still allows us some control.

Anyone got five ones for this five?

Yours truly

Yours truly
So what's your story?
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