Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's a boy! But we knew that months ago...

Well, it happened a little earlier than expected. Everyone was planning on January 2nd. But, December 17th will be his date of birth. His name is Rowan James Gonzales. my first grandchild. My daughter Jenifer gave birth to a 7 pound (and change) bouncing baby boy at 8:22 the evening of the 17th in Seattle. All went well, albeit he decided to make his appearance a couple weeks early. Jenifer has always been a little impatient. I think she gets that from me. Maybe it is Rowan who is the impatient one in this case!

The first name was chosen by Jen and Roth totally unrelated to any family names - although Rowan does begin with an “R” like his father’s. The middle name - James - is my first name, as well as my father’s, and my son’s (Jen’s brother). How much cooler could that possibly be? Gonzales (with an “S”) is a Spanish surname. Both Roth and Jen have (had) blond hair, so it remains entirely possible the new “he” in our family may be a toe-head as least for the first few years!

Knowing Jenifer and her propensity for the world of blogdom, the first pics will show up on her blog soon after she returns home from the hospital. Her blog has always been, is now, and will always be a microcosm of what happens in her life...verse and photos.

As far as this proud grandfather meeting the new addition in person...Loretta and I are planning on flying to Seattle for a few days the end of January. We decided to “let the dust settle” a bit before descending upon the new parents and baby. Jen’s mother, Anna, will arrive today to spend some time with and help Jen with the usual postpartum procedures at home. In the meantime, there will be a more than judicious use of our web cams to get up close and personal to Rowan, an experience he will only be able to understand and relate to later in life. Who knows what kind of communication tools will be available as he approaches adulthood?

What Rowan will ultimately become as a person remains to be seen. One thing for sure...he is destined to be a great cook! One can only hope his impending culinary expertise, both from environment and genetics, will be a hobby and not a vocation (it’s a rough business). His father, grandfather (yours truly), great-grandfather, great-great grandfather, and uncle all have culinary backgrounds. Not to mention his mother who has become quite the foodie/cook/chef apprentice the past few years. You can’t be married to a long time chef without a lot of that rubbing off.

Rowan James Gonzales has come into this world during tough times. He will not know of recessions, or wars, or money worries, or stress for many years to come. But, realistically, coming into this world at any point in time is tough. His world immediate, all that he experiences, will consist of simple motherly and fatherly love, warmth, and comfort. That is all he will need for a long time...and that is what he will receive. Jen and Roth are two of the most loving, caring, intelligent people I have ever known. And I am overwhelmingly proud to be able to call them my daughter and son-in-law. There are no words to express my joy at this point in time being able to say, “I’m grandpa to a little guy named Rowan James Gonzales. Welcome to the family!”

(insert tear running down grandpa’s cheek)

Yours truly

Yours truly
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