Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Turn right or left, but only turn three times...

The inherent problem with making right angle turns in life is a mathematical one.

In school, grade school and high school, I was told that I was gifted child, especially in science and math. Gifted being the always-a-bridesmaid-never-a-bride intellectual consolation prize to being deemed genius. "Missed it by that much!" Almost Mensa material...a bright child with a lot of potential...teacher’s pet...musically inclined...and very creative. That was in grade school. High school was an entirely different story. Damn puberty!

Back to my loosely related comparison of life to the theorems of Pythagoras. If one makes four right angle turns, one will return to a point of origin. If ones makes enough right angle turns, one will find oneself going in circles...check that, squares that brings one back to where one started. By the way, no credit to Pythagoras for this’s my idea!

With this in mind. It would seem judicious for me to make a sharp left angle turn this time, sted the usual right angle turn. Then, keeping in mind that enough left angle turns will also bring me back to a point of origin...I mustn’t make any more than three turns, left or right, to point me in a different direction. This direction may only be assumed to be the right direction, ie, correct direction at this point in time.

Furthermore, perhaps only one singular right or left angle turn may indeed be the key to a proper change in my direction (my life).

I am truly not a person who dotes on Pre-Socratic philosophy or any other ancient writings from people who lived in a time before indoor plumbing or iPods were invented. However, Pythagoras is widely accepted as the”father of numbers” and the philosophy that everything is related to mathematics and that numbers are the ultimate reality.

I believe my own personal number in life is “3”. It also happens to be a prime number. I may have already made the first two right (or left) angle turns and this last change in direction was indeed the third. I just may be headed in the right direction right now! As long as I don’t make another (fourth) turn. Then, you know where that will take me.

Math. At least I got that goin’ for me!

Yours truly

Yours truly
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