Friday, May 25, 2007

I am Blankman!

I am Blankman! Even though I am reasonably confident there was a forgettable movie made with that title, it is how I feel blogwise right now. WTF...over!

Heck, we're heading into Memorial Day Weekend, and I'm not the least bit excited about Pirates of the Caribbean: The End of the World. Great scott, I didn't even work up enough gumption to go see Spiderman 3 a few weeks ago...I'm waiting for its release on Netlfix.

I certainly don't gauge my demeanor by my enthusiasm (or lack thereof) for recent movies, but some sort of spark would be nice.

I do have some very interesting challenges at work of late. Creative challenges. Things to get the old wheels turning so to speak. I am thankful for that. But when one of my "professional" avenues gets fired up, it tends to detract from another, ie, my photography. I just haven't been very inspired in that department of late. No biggee. It will come back.

This weekend, we have guests arriving Saturday morning, two of Loretta's sisters will be visiting from Red Bluff. They have never been here, and Loretta is anxious for them to see her home (for the first time). We'll cook some fun food, drink some fun beverages, watch some fun DVD's, and just have (the operative word this weekend). Our swimming pool is ready for swimming. Well, let's put it this way...our swimming pool is ready for someone to swim in, not necessarily yours truly. I still have extreme cold water fear, even when the water temperature is 78 degrees. That and extreme insect fear are the two worst fears and phobias I possess. You'll notice I didn't say only fears and phobias...just the worst ones.

The weather here in Northern San Joaquin Valley is expected to be in the mid-80's, just right for this time of year. Last year at this time it was kissing the century mark already...yuk! It should be a nice Memorial Day Weekend. Nice to stay home and avoid the crowds of crazies who will be invading the nearby lakes and rivers. Funny...valley dwellers head to the ocean on these holidays...coastal inhabitants head to the valley. Maybe everyone should just stay home for a change!

If we were going to the Pismo area, they have their annual Strawberry Festival in nearby Arroyo Grande. I used to manage a restaurant/saloon right downtown. What a zoo! Hundred of booths selling everything from cows carved out of wood to rubber moneys on a stick to fried bananas. My restaurant was where the true alcoholics hung out...the professional drinkers who can embide from sunrise to midnight and beyond. And some of these boozers with their glazed-over faces would become walking zombies by 10:00 at night. If you've ever seen any zombie movie, you can visualize the scene. Unfortunately, we weren't able to shoot any of them in head when they got out of hand...we just threw them out into the parking lot...sometimes head first! The next morning, they would show up for breakfast, apologizing for their behavior the night before, order a Bloody Mary, and start all over again. Ahhhh...the joys of managing a restaurant/saloon. Especially on Memorial Day Weekend.

This weekend will be much more subdued around the Skip & Loretta Estate. We'll do a little barbecue, have a few Coronas, and introduce the movie Sideways to Loretta's sisters. Times have changed.

Yours truly

Yours truly
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