Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Idol time on my hands 2/Burning Down the House

I don't usually do this, but here goes...last night's AI performances and HK heats up!

Jason Castro - Yes, a train wreck performance. Borrow a set of heuvos and sing something with, well...balls!

Syesha Mercado - Great show tune effort.

David Archuleta - The judges were kind, but...again, can you conjure up some testosterone from somewhere?

David Cook - Respectable job considering this should be the first and last time he attempts to sing a show tune.

Carly Smithson - A smoking' version of JC Superstar. And, she is finally wearing decent outfits!

Brooke White - Brooke...poor lovely, sweet, appealing, sexy, moderately talented Brooke...ya' had a whole week to learn the words!

My prediction for tonight's results show: Jason Castro...or Brooke White. Please vote off Castro. I'd give Brooke another chance (or 12).

From the bowels of Hell's Kitchen, they could barely manage a fast food menu for kids. The producers pick mostly losers for the dramatic effect. The one clown couldn't even cook chicken wings all the way through. And when someone like Ben shines a bit, Gordon is quick to slap him (or anyone else) back down to the ground. Yet, we still watch with great anticipation. At least they finally got rid of Craig. What a wuss! Is that how you spell wuss? Not important. To the chick who burned her hand (possibly not nearly as bad as it looked): McDonalds and BK is always hiring. Just stay away from the french fry station!

Yours truly

Yours truly
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