Saturday, February 7, 2009

Face time in Seattle

I recently had the opportunity to fly to Seattle and meet the newest member of my family, my grandson Rowan. Born on December 17th 2008, he just turned 6 weeks old. I'm quite sure I was much more impressed with him than he with me. Besides simply being able to simply see him in person, I managed to fulfill another small goal: hold him and rock him to sleep. In fact, I was even able to take him from a fussy crying state to sleeping in my least once (my efforts weren't always successful I might add).
He is quite the beautiful baby, this coming from someone who rarely doles out any compliments in the direction of newborns...I happen to think most should be kept swaddled from head to toe until they are at least two or three years of age as a public service (remember that Seinfeld "ugly baby" episode?).

All babies have their "moments", as evidenced by these two photos. He was not real happy about being dragged out of his nice, warm house and shuttled to Pike Place on a cold, dreary, Seattle morning. Not even flying fish impress him at this point. He does love riding in the car though, blissfully asleep on the way there and on the way home.

All in all, the short, hectic trip to Seattle only whetted my appetite for more "face time" with Rowan James Gonzales...not to mention with my daughter and son-in-law, Jen & Roth. I don't know exactly when I'll be back, hopefully soon. I do want my grandson to know his Grandpa Skip, aka, Grandpa James.

Yours truly

Yours truly
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