Thursday, February 12, 2009


I am a 59 year old male.

I have a wife and live with her in Northern Central California with three dogs (one blind one, one sick one, and one very small one).

I have two ex-wives.

I have a mother. I don’t have a father any longer.

I have two children, one female, one male...and one grandson and a son-in-law.

I have two younger sisters and five nieces and nephews. One sister I communicate with semi-regularly, the other I don’t.

I had two grandmothers and one grandfather (I never met one grandfather).

I daydream and fantasize all the time about money and things I’d like to do and places I’d like to see.

I am not proud of everything I’ve done in my life.

I have a feeling there is still something big and important I am destined to accomplish.

I have traveled to and lived in several states and foreign countries.

I play the guitar. I used to play drums and learned to play the accordian.

I make a living working for a major retailer, though I have also worked as an Avon delivery person, a fast food employee, a tire installer, a creamery worker, a member of the armed forces, a restaurant manager, a radio DJ, and a photographer.

I have a large bucket list.

I have recently taught myself to work on bicycles and would like to make a living building custom bicycles.

I rode Harley Davidsons for five years, and will ride again someday soon.

I have several tattoos and plan to get several others.

I have pattern male baldness though my hair has remained black (what’s left).

I had a quintuple bipass as well as four angioplastys and a heart attack at a very young age.

I love to cook and consider myself a self-taught chef with no desire to ever work at this vocation professionally.

I used to have many friends, now only a select few.

I pray almost every day, though I don’t really know who I praying to besides myself.

I am an optimist 80% of the time.

I don’t take anti-depressants any longer.

I used to work out at a gym five days a week.

I weight 238 pounds right now though my goal is 198.

I would like to be a vegetarian but am far from it right now.

I love to write and would like to write short stories and a novel.

I want to publish a book of my photographs.

I believe most people think I am funny and witty though sometimes moody and too serious.

I smoke and drink alcohol.

I cry during sentimental movies and some news stories.

I am very critical of others uncaring and rude attitudes, beyond that I give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise.

I believe in capital punishment and think that the list of capital crimes should be expanded.

I can water ski, but not snow ski.

I hate most professional sports and have virtually no interest in following any of them.

I have Jamie Leigh Curtis’ autograph and lip print on a napkin. I once had a 20 minute conversation with Mark Hamill in person. I’ve met Lou Ferrigno, George Fenneman, Bruce Hornsby, Carol Kane, Jack LaLane, Fess Parker, Engineer Bill...I know there’s more, can’t think of them right now. I interviewed Lloyd Bridges on the phone.

I heard my name read aloud on my birthday by Sheriff John.

I earned three combat air medals in Viet Nam.

I hope I win the lotto.

I have no idea where this came from, it just sounded like fun at the time,

Yours truly

Yours truly
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