His name is Jack Boo Boo Diddley. Although our next door neighbor, Bob, insists on calling him Bo Diddley and thinks the dog and his name is rather cool (Bob is our age. 'Nuff said?). Boo Boo is a soon-to-be registered Mini Dachsund acquired locally from a lady who owns the mother dog. Boo Boo is an only child from his litter. The exact color description for this type of weiner dog is Black and Tan, Silver Dapple. He is four months old and was born on my birthday...a strange and appropriate coincidence.
Our other remaining pets, Sassy (the old lady), a four pound black Pomeranian...and Sparky (the old man), a twenty six pound Dachsund are reluctantly dealing with this new addition in their own ways. Sassy remains sequestered in her closet sleeping quarters for most of the day. Sparky's routine hasn't change much, as he sleeps in various out of the way places all day, lumbering out only for food, water, and bodily functions. Both Sassy and Sparky truly want nothing to do with Boo Boo's young, impetuous, playful, harassing demeanor. When Boo Boo attempts to play with Sassy, she let's out strange blasts of gurgling, blood curdling dog screams, at the same time running in and out and around the furniture with an occasional faux counter attack (no, definitely not playing). The puppy remains undiscouraged. We try to keep them apart as much as possible. With Sparky, it's a simple case of, "Get the hell away from me!"...communicated by deep growls followed by some convincing body language, ie, a nose nudge or outright body slam. Boo Boo is still enthusiastic and continues to subscribe to the illusion that Sparky will someday run around the backyard with him, something that will never happen as Sparky is over 100 in dog years, is blind, old, and extremely grumpy. Loretta and I think that both of the older dogs are pissed off at us for letting this wiggling, energetic, bothersome thing into their once peaceful, mundane existence.
Boo Boo is still learning how to assimilate into his new environment, with only an occasional "mistake". He knows how to use the dog doors. Despite the challenges of raising a new, young dog, he has brought new joy into our lives. His personality is what drew us to him from the first meeting. He is very affectionate, playful, and sensitive...he knows "no" and responds to verbal discipline immediately. He has already learned how to pout when not getting his way or we yell at him. And, yes, Boo Boo is very protective of us and his home, although his bouts of barking are judicious, short-lived, and very selective.
Are we crazy? No, just dog lovers.