Friday, August 14, 2009

Just a note about this economical mess we ALL are in...

We have some friends who, in the past year, have joined the ranks of the unemployed...twice!

They shall remain anonymous.

This couple, empty nestors for the past year or so (one son recently moved back), worked for many years for the same companies. The guy was laid off late last year after more than 25 years with his company. He was looking forward to and planning for retirement in seven or eight years. The lady was laid off a few months ago after more than 12 years with her company. Both employers closed their doors of late. He searched for work and drew unemployment until a few weeks ago when he was hired at a new job. It was a lesser-paying job, but in a similar (but lower) position than before. She moved right into a new position with a big company, a bit different than what she was doing previously...but a job.

Last week, they were both laid off again. She after only a couple months. He after only a week or two.

This is not an unusual tale, just very close to home for us. And as both of us can attest from our own personal (and professional) challenges, heartbreaking to hear about.

Us and our friends are all approaching the back end of 50. Us and our friends are still very vibrant, enthusiastic, competent, capable, and hopeful. All of us have skills and the wisdom (of age) to offer someone. I have a job and am extremely grateful for it. It's not what I was doing before and it certainly isn't paying anywhere near the same as previous positions. But, it's paying me.

I was told many times by bosses, "Sometimes, we all need to reinvent ourselves". Well, I'm no Thomas Edison. But I have certainly "invented" something new in the past year: me.

The fate of our friends is yet to be determined with any accuracy. However, the prognosis for their future is bright. They are good people with good attitudes. And that's a valued, shining commodity in these times.

Yours truly

Yours truly
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