Thursday, October 29, 2009

Does this matter?

I think about writing (ex: in this blog) all the time. Every day. The result: I, for the most part, write nothing. Partly because of my feeling that it doesn't really matter. The same thought process is happening about and affecting my photography...or lack of it.

My daughter, Jen, is going through something similar (writer's and photographer's blocks), though for much different reasons. So, at least we commiserate via email, IMing, and a weekly phone call/Skype or two. Needless to say, at least these communications keep us in touch.

I'm also privileged to have an old friend with whom I can "chat" once in a while. This, too, via email and a phone call on occasion. My sister and I write back and forth on a regular basis, including a minor scolding when we don't respond in a timely fashion!

So, I guess it really does matter...writing, that is...writing down something as often as I can. Something that others can read if they so choose.

I tried Twitter a few months ago...too short. And Facebook...still too short and too mundane (?), plus, I haven't figured out how to exclude all of my "friends" daily stuff that fills my page. Stuff that I really don't have much of an interest in. Not that it isn't important to them. I just don't need it. Does that sound crass?

I liken this blog to when I was doing a daily radio show for over 18 years. People would write in or (worse) call in and complain about things I would say. This didn't happen a lot, but enough to affect my on-air demeanor and content. ATMO: there are two very important control knobs on every radio...the "Tuning" knob and the "On/Off switch". "Use 'em!", I used to chide, "If you don't like what I say, change the channel". Geeze, I guess I was sounding a lot like that Limbaugh guy way back when! The same goes for this blog. A couple of years ago, I turned off the "comment" option for these posts. This was due partly because of some "off-the-topic" harassment I was receiving from some misguided, unhappy (with THEIR life) folks needing a place to express some kind of opinion. My blogged advice to them: "Get your own blog...this one's mine terdbag!"

Write...or don't write. Read it...or don't read it. It's your choice. Just like having friends. It's your choice. It's not a requirement nor is it a law.

The moral: I think I need to just write more here. Call it blathering if you will. Speaking of that word, "blather" old radio friend of mine used to say that about some of his colleagues. He called what they do "blather and prattle". Of course, he was one of the best "blatherers and prattlers" in his own right. He's dead now. So be it.

If you like what is here, that's great. If you don't, that's great as well. Maybe I'll hit a home run once in a while, maybe I'll ground out. Perhaps I'll totally strike out. But one thing is for sure...I'll never get thrown out of the game for trying!

Does this matter? Well, does. If you don't think so...get your own blog!

Blather, blather, blather. Prattle, prattle, prattle.

Yours truly

Yours truly
So what's your story?
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