Wednesday, March 28, 2007

American Idol - I get it now, sort of.

Here’s a question that has been asked lately by almost everyone who watches (or has ever watched) American Idol: What’s up with that Sanjaya guy?

So, since that question is nothing new - I won’t ask it myself! And since last night was the very first time (ever) that Loretta and I have watched A.I., I am certainly not an authority on anything to do with the program. We’re not fans and we’re not all too sure that we will watch it again.

Evidently, that Sanjaya guy has a huge internet fan base who continue to log in, call in, and text in to vote for him to stay. Hence the fact that, despite his “talents”, or lack thereof, he remains as one of the contenders for the final cut. And regarding his choice of hair length and hair style now....Simon’s comment on last night’s show summed it up, “Apparently there is no mirror in your dressing room!” Being hair-challenged personally, perhaps I’m just envious of that incredibly outrageous wad he has on his head.

I think it was on the Yahoo! American Idol site today, the hosts made a comment about the so-called judging and how contestants are able to remain on the show. This comment concerned how in the end, whomever remains on the show then goes on the American Idol tour and CD...they must be able to sell the CD’s. They said there must be a three-piece-suited individual or individuals high up in the shows management that ultimately points his or her finger at the appropriate contestants. Going one step further, these higher-ups must also be controlling the strings of the host puppets and what they should say about each performer.

Am I just barking at the moon here? I realize A.I. is hugely popular, and not just with teeny-boppers (when was the last time you heard that term?). The show seems to have a fan base that covers all age demographics.

Early on in each American Idol competition, watching the auditions is really similar to watching what goes on after a bad car accident or a train wreck. You don’t want to see it, but you just can’t look away. I understand the attraction at that point in the process. The T.V. viewing public’s fascination with seeing some of these poor slobs embarrass themselves on national television is a given. It is pop-culture entertainment at its saddest. The only other thing close to that is the Jackass show and (now) movies where we are privileged to witness people actually maiming themselves - voluntarily no less.

As we get further into the season, A.I. thankfully does seem to turn into an actual “talent” show of sorts. In fact, they even feature some (very) old school music celebrities singing their old tunes. Peter Noone (Herman’s Hermits) and LuLu (To Sir With Love) of late. Obviously, with hopes of maintaining some sort of viewer base beyond the age of 13.

I think I get it...the fascination with this program. It’s not really my cup of tea...but I get it. American Idol is one of the most (if not thee most) popular reality show on the tube. You gotta hand it to the hosts, being able to sit there, week after week, and think of something to say after each performance. It’s no mystery why Simon is so acerbic...that’s entertainment. Paula did appear to be kind of...well, intoxicated. And the other guy...his name slips my mind at this point...seems to be the one who offers the most comprehensive, analytical comments.

American Idol provides us with an intimate look into the Andy Warhol penned term: “15 minutes of fame”. Anyone who has the desire and has some talent can get there. Beauty and good-looks isn’t mandatory. In fact, those two attributes may even be a hindrance in this venue.

When all is said and done at the end of each season, it all comes down to artful manipulation by wiley spin doctors. It’s all media hype...smoke and mirrors...and a smidgeon of talent I suppose. It’s pop culture. It’s what’s happening right now. It’s vicarious fame and fortune for the masses.

Yours truly

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