Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Clark Griswold: Why aren't we flying? 'Cause getting there is half the fun!

We're moving 1200 miles east very soon. Packing up, picking up, moving the entire lock, stock, and barrel(s) to the heart of the Southwest. Of course, when you lived in California for many years, moving east and south isn't really the southwest any longer, at least to us.

Initially, I will be heading southeast in a few short weeks, Loretta will stay here to wrap things up with the house. I will be starting a new career, both of us will be starting a new life in a new place. One of my duties going early includes securing a new place to live. More on this evolving story as it happens. I'll be staying with my best friend of over 40 years until the process is complete. He's single by the way and lives alone in a nice house on the outskirts of Albuquerque. I would never undertake such an intrusion of a friend's life if he was married and still had kids had home. We'll be "bachin" it for a few months. And I know he won't let me leave mys shoes or dirty clothes lying around!, how the heck does one get to New Mexico from northern central California? Well, you fly, of course! Why not drive? Several reasons, not the least of which is the fact that I need to leave the "reliable" car here for Loretta. And certainly not the least of which is what it will cost me to drive versus flying. Try this: $240 for gas, $75 for a motel room, $50 for food totalling $365. Compared to $111 to fly.

Another reason not to drive...did you see Vacation? Clark Griswold and his family traveled a similar route on their way to Wally World. I wouldn't be driving a brand new Wagon Queen Family Truckster. I would be driving a 1986 Nissan 300ZX. And although it is in relatively good condition, a lot can go wrong in 1200 miles of desert driving!

After the Griswold's unfortunate accident at the end of the wrong road, his experience with the greasy garage mechanic/sheriff deputy makes me a little leery of taking this route and mode of transportation through remote areas of the southwestern United States.

Mechanic: Ain't never seen anyone so shit-all stupid as you driving off that road. You musta got manure for your brains.
Clark: Yeah, well, we're from out of town. How much do I owe you?
Mechanic 1: How much you got?
Clark: No, I'm asking how much the repairs are.
Mechanic 1: I'm asking how much you got!
Clark: You're out of your mind. Look, I don't have time to fool around so how much is it?
Mechanic 1: [waving a wrench] All of it, boy!
Clark: What does the sheriff think of your business practice?
[Mechanic 1 laughs and shows Clark his sheriff's badge]

'Nuff said?

Just for fun. More of those memorable quotes from Vacation.

Yours truly

Yours truly
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