Sunday, November 9, 2008

Stress...where did mine go?

It may be time for me to write a new Bucket List. Yes, I recently saw the move, The Bucket List...and, I've made these lists before. Heck, I made Bucket Lists when I was 7 years old! After all, I have the list gene. The reason why I should revisit this list of things-I've-yet-to-do-but-would- like-to-do-before-I-kick-the-bucket? Well, realistically, we don't have the funds that jack Nicholson had in that movie! And, most of my goals and priorities have changed drastically in the last few months. And, yes, I've changed a bit.

Loretta and I were chatting the other day about our wants and needs at this point in our lives. The subject of stress came up again...or lack thereof. "Honey", I said with raised eyebrows, "should I be concerned that I'm not stressed out any more?" She replied with her usual, casual reassurance, "No". I went on to remind her that my new job garners less than half the income I was making in a former career (albeit, half the hours and no stress). We owe lots of money that we can't repay. And I don't foresee any short or long term change in that situation. By the way, Loretta and I have had this conversation on numerous occasions. It seems in this state of unstress I manage to attempt to manufacture stress, at least when I think I should be stressed out! "Don't worry", she comforted me (again), "We're doing what we can. Besides, let me remind you of that little diddy your Mom used to say to you: They can't eat you!" Kind of turn on the question 'What's the worst that can happen thing', ie, answer: someone (or something) eating you. Sorry, you had to be there I guess.

Back to the New Bucket List. Well, gotta think about that one. Since things have changed so much in our lives, and will continue to change, er, I mean evolve, some thought must be put toward this. Perhaps I should wait until my birthday in January...I'll be 59. Maybe I should hold off until my 60th, that's an appropriate point in my history to re-establish goals...realistic goals this time. The only problem with waiting until my 60th birthday is that there are a few things I'd like to check off of that list before my 60th. Some of which I need to start training for now. Did I say training? Yes, I did.

So, the New Bucket List will take a little time to compile. It will be much more succinct that the last one I did a couple of years ago. I think it was 55 things on my 55th birthday. This time, I will do some judicious editing and come up with those goals and aspirations before January, probably next week! Gotta start training you know.

It won't be too awful disappointing to remove from that old list Flying in an F-14 or White Water Rafting in Nepal. Besides, we have some pretty nifty rivers close by. And, we also have several places to skydive! It's all good. I have my first grandchild(son) due in January!

Yours truly

Yours truly
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