Sunday, November 2, 2008

What season are you in?

It's funny to me how every year at this time we whine about the coming of winter, the time change, and the early darkness.

Just a month ago we were whining about the sweltering, 100+ degree heat at 7:30pm, the oppressive summer, and the huge air conditioning electric bills.

In a month, it will be dark at 4:30pm.

Loretta and I were talking about these changes the other day. I waxed nostalgic about how, as a child, I so looked forward to the coming of Summer, getting out of school and Summer vacation. I also greatly anticipated with great joy, the coming of Fall and returning to school and Thanksgiving. Surely everyone one of us enjoyed the weeks leading up to Winter, Christmas vacation, and Christmas itself. Spring was the only time of the year that didn't hold much fascination with me. Growing up in southern California, Spring was kind of a non-season. Except for Easter (Spring) vacation, there wasn't much to look forward to, except that it meant we were getting closer to Summer again.

So which season's arrival do I relish the most now? Why, this season, of course. I really appreciate the coming of Fall. Let's call it by its more proper name, Autumn. After all, it is the Autumnal Equinox. This year, it came at 3:44pm on September 22nd. Equal day and night. It happens at the Vernal Equinox (Spring) as well for one day and night.

Autumn is surely the most colorful of the seasons. Plant life on Earth remind us that change is underway. Some regions do that more expressively than others. Around these parts, Northern Central California, the trees turn vibrant hues of red, yellow, and brown...then shed all or most of their leaves almost as much as in New England. The wind blows more often, and the rains begin to make their appearance from time to time. And the temperature is just right. This move out of the 90's and 100's to the 70's and 80's makes every day much more bearable.

I'm not spring chicken any longer! Perhaps that is why I hold Autumn in such an enamored state. I'm living in the Autumn of my life every day now. Hopefully, it's early autumn as I am looking forward to the next 10 years or so as the most enjoyable, most productive, most self-aware time of my life. Hopefully, I truly know who I am, what I am, and where I am going. At least I have a better idea of the direction than in years past. Still adrift in a fall breeze like a dry leaf, I'm enjoying the journey. The destination is no longer as important as it used to be.

Yours truly

Yours truly
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