Monday, December 21, 2009

Tattoos...there will be blood...sweat...and pain!

It's been about 16 years since I got my first tattoo at the age of 44. Yeah, I started the inking late in life. I have several, including a Harley shield on one arm, a ying yang thing on my calf, and Michigan J. Frog on the other arm. And now, 36 years after getting out of the Navy...a Navy anchor on my forearm.

There is no gray area when it comes to tattoos, ie, you either love 'em or deplore 'em. I happen to love getting tatted despite the blood, sweat, and pain associated with the procedure. And if anyone says it doesn't hurt, they're crazy as a shit house rat. Some pained me more than others. But this last one left me a bit woozy after four hours of being stabbed several hundred times a second with multiple vibrating needles.

My friend (the tattoo artist and co-worker) didn't take any prisoners as he went at my forearm
like a crazed viper. "Man, you're tough! You haven't complained once!", he chided. You kind of try to put yourself into some sort of zen state, meditate as it were...wincing occasionally from pokes in more sensitive spots. After a while, it becomes more annoying than painful. You just get through it, knowing that each time the needles lift from your skin for more ink, the pain immediately goes away. Of course, for a few days afterward, it's like having a bad sunburn...just a little sore. Slap on some A+D (diaper rash ointment), keep it clean, and let it heal properly. Voila...body art...forever!

Next...the other forearm, as I am designing something similar to include my Navy aircrew flight wings and squadron logo (VP-1, Patrol Squadron One), etc.

Some folks will say, "How do you get your forearms tattooed when you're wearing a straight-jacket, for you must surely be crazy?" My answer, as with many things in life, "If I have to won't understand!" But most comments go in this direction, "Hey, man...nice tat!"

And yes...Loretta has a few as well.

Yours truly

Yours truly
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