Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's 5am, can't sleep...Here Come the Mummies

Gotta get this out of the way first. I'm sure some will consider this a bit too avant garde, but check out this group sometime: Here Come the Mummies. The link is to their website and a Bob & Tom segment of them playing live in their studio. They've been together for about 10 years. Rumored to be a bunch of session players keeping their identities secret due to contractual concerns with their home labels. Bottom line is...they are a smoking RB/Funk band. Warning: Some of their tunes (including Pants) may be heard by some as very tongue in cheek, provocative, naughty. I just think they're a hoot! And, yes, by the way, they dress in full mummy regalia on stage.

Anyway, 5am...couldn't sleep past 3:30. Made coffee, checked lotto tix (won free replay on Fantasy 5), checked email, read Jen's blog, found what appears to be a mouse turd on my desk (!), played with one of my vintage film cameras, shot a couple digital pix of my desk, trying to psych up for another day of work to begin at 8:30, thinking about what to do on my (other) day off this week (tomorrow, split days off...ecck), checked Facebook page, don't Tweet any more, foggy and near freezing outside, new tattoo still a bit crusty in a couple of spots but doing fine, just ate the last carmel scone (gotta make them someday, basically a biscuit with some flavorings), gonna go to the garage, light up a Swisher Sweet and clean up my newly-acquired 1964 Pentax Spotmatic, just decided what I need to do on my next day off (run my first roll of 35mm film in 15 years), not going to make it back to bed, may as well stay up and watch the morning "snews".


Yours truly

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