Saturday, July 7, 2007

seven seven 0 seven

All the calendar numbers have lined up once again. It happens once every year the first decade of the new millennium. This year, today, it's 7-7-07. Last year it was 6-6-06. Next year...8-8-08. Big deal! Just one more excuse for marketing geniuses to ply their trade on the unsuspecting public.

I haven't yet read anything relating this day to the 7 Deadlies. You know, the so-called seven deadly sins, capital vices, or cardinal sins...lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride. The threat of eternal damnation doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent any longer in this world. And since I've been told by many so-called "practicing" Christian types that I already have a standing reservation you know where, I try not to dwell on these negatives. Besides, the rules of avoidance of these seven behaviors are not governed by the cafeteria system. "Well, I've been real good with avoiding three of them, pretty good about two...and off the wagon on a couple. How's my score?" Apparently, it doesn't work that way. "And the heat...the heat!" Five out of seven ain't bad.

So, in keeping with my efforts to look at the positive side of everything, here is a list of the Seven Holy Virtues. Yes, the seven deadlies have opposites...just like everything else in this universe of ours. The path to righteousness can be found in these seven little words...right?


How about trying on these seven behaviors on this seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh year?

Isn't this really The Secret?

Yours truly

Yours truly
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