Wednesday, July 18, 2007

With the slap of a hand...

As I sit facing the screen of my IBook G4, iPod earbuds firmly in place listening to Owner of a Lonely Heart by Yes (1983), and gazing at an old black and white photo of a blond, three year old boy posing on the porch of his home, a little duplex in Burbank, California...I can’t help but think, “What the hell happened!”.

It was 1953. My parents and I had recently made the big move west from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Dad, Jim, made it through the Korean War unscathed then got into the fledgling computer business...California, here we come. Mom, Betty, had recently given birth to my sister Kristine. Of course, I was hoping for a little brother. That never happened. In fact, they presented me with another sister, Kim, just three years later. An only child I was no longer. With the slap of a hand, I ceased to be the center of attention.

(The following paragraph is a total embellishment of what probably never transpired. So, what’s new?)

“We must attend to her needs, she’s so much younger than you”, Mom and Dad tried to explain, “you have to realize, son, that you had three good it’s time to grow up. Keep in mind, though, that you are indeed still the only son, and must assume that role with wisdom and vigor, not reckless abandon and contempt. Now, take this smelly diaper and put it in the diaper pail”.

My first job was Dirty Diaper Delivery Boy. But, I did eventually relish my new role as older brother and diaper carrier. I loved my new baby sister, despite the fact that my Mom had to contiually stop me from poking at baby Kristine’s soft spot on her head.

“Mom, there’s a hole here. That can't be right?”

Yours truly

Yours truly
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