Tuesday, December 4, 2007

What do they call a Quarter Pounder in Canada?

They call a Quarter Pounder a Quarter Pounder. A Big Mac is a Big Mac...and so on.

Not a lot of difference from the states here in any quarter. The only real stray in language is dropping in an occasional "eh?" at the end of a sentence once in a while...as in, "Nice day, eh?" Of course, one mustn't forget the "out" and "about" thing. Other than that, I could be in Cleveland.

Our dollar is about at par right now. However, things are a bit more expensive in Canada. Not to mention the two taxes they have (GST and PST as in government and provincial sales tax). But, they don't have to worry about medical insurance either.

There are no dollar bills, replaced with $1.00 and $2.00 coins called loonies and toonies.

If any Canadians are reading this blog, my apologies for the mundane subject matter. But I live in California. My circle of friends and relatives might find this interesting.

By the way, I haven't seen any sled dogs yet?

That small piece is a subway token. Costs $2.75 a ride.

Yours truly

Yours truly
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