Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech Shootings - the insanity of it all.

What can I say about the shootings at Virginia Tech on Monday? What could I possibly have to add to what has already been said over and over in the media?

The news reports will continue for days. The debates will begin (again) for and against gun laws. Some say looser guns laws may have prevented the degree of carnage, ie, if the students were armed...and so on. Do two wrongs make a right? This mentality is as insane as the shootings themselves.

There is no rationalized bright side to any of the recent happenings. For instance, like many recent shootings similar in nature (Columbine) where the sick perpetrators chose to whack themselves after carrying out their sad agenda...the disgusting individual at Virginia Tech will not face justice. He will not spend years, if not decades, in prison jerking off our legal system...something that is being done on a regular basis as we speak a hundred times over. At least the American public will not have to fit the bill for psychiatric evaluations, and public defenders, and housing for this monster who chose to end the lives of 32 innocent people.

Maybe we will find out why it all happened in the coming weeks or months. Maybe we shouldn't care about this filth of humanity now lying in a morgue somewhere in Virginia. Maybe we should simply grind him up into small pieces and dispose of the remains anonymously somewhere. No recognition. No future book or movie deals for his relatives.

Did some bully pick on this slimey, insignificant outcast in grade school? Did that poor college girl he murdered refuse his meager attempts at courtship? Did she not answer his emails, or text messages? Did she turn down his request for a date? I'm sorry...but those same things happened to me (and countless other human males) many times...but I (we) we didn't shoot or harm anyone...ever.

My point is...when the NBC (or ABC, or CBS, or Fox) News Special Reports start to air about the Virginia Tech shooter, keep this in mind...there will never be any justification for his actions. There will never be reason enough to sympathize with this disturbed, pathetic excuse for a human being. He made his choice, now his family must live it down for generations to come. Now his ethnic group must endure what is to come. He has etched himself into history...forever: the Worst Mass Murderer in U.S. History. And, he has secured himself a place in what may be called Hell (if there is such a place). These are the type of people we can only hope make it there...to exist in eternal damnation.

Those poor, innocent students and faculty at Virginia Tech...how sad. And now their friends and families must learn to live with it all...forever. Our prayers are with you.

Yours truly

Yours truly
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