Sunday, September 30, 2007

cinnamon roll - h.s. brunch memories

fresh-baked cinnamon rolls for a quarter
Must get in line early
brunch is only twenty minutes long

almost over
and then that
fresh-baked cinnamon roll

Southern California winter morning
cool sunshine
the shaded quad
tall pine trees sit silent
a brief respite for chat
and a fresh-baked cinnamon roll for a quarter

Sticky fingers
sticky notebook
not enough napkins to do the job

Southern California winter morning
cool and bright sunshine in the shaded quad
Should have worn just a sweater
no need for gloves
though some thought so

A half pint of chilled milk
in a tiny carton nicely washes down
the fresh-baked cinnamon roll
Five minutes to go
until that blasted bell
and Algebra

The bench is cold
and wet
People walking by
books and things slung under
their teenage arms
Must get to class

Cool air
cool sunshine
now warming my coat
and my insides

The bells rings
time to go
must get to class
the old and cold classroom
and algebra

It’s cold again

brunch in the shaded quad
with the silent pine trees
and the cool sunshine
and the people walking by
and the chat
and the soft
fresh-baked cinnamon roll
for a quarter

Must get in line earlier next time

Yours truly

Yours truly
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