Friday, January 25, 2008

Joe DiMaggio...where have you gone?

With a San Joaquin Valley winter blowing just outside the window on this dark, early morning, maybe it's time for a few random thoughts...

I don't know about you, but I've kind of had enough news about the presidential race. This whole Hillary/Obama squabble has gone overboard. Now they both look more like grade schoolers on the playground, trading insults and throwing parts of their lunches at each other. I suppose it will always be that way in the political arena, some years are just worse than others.

The Heath Ledger thing. A sad state of affairs, especially for his family. Even though everyone is claiming it wasn't suicide, who knew he was so depressed? I guess I'll never understand the celebrity depression epidemic. Unfortunately, I am quite familiar with the disease. Too bad his epitaph will include playing the role of The Joker in the new Batman movie.

I tried to watch The Number 23 last night (for the third time). Didn't make it through to the end again...fell asleep. I'll try again some other time, it's on cable now.

I'm getting burned out on watching Andrew Zimmern scarf down Bizarre Foods. The manner in which is chomps and savors immense worms, goat brains, gastropods, and other food items found under rocks or destined for the garbage is getting tedious to watch. Even Bourdain ventures into that cuisine much too often. What's wrong with normal food? Are they simply bored of the mundane? The answer is "Yes". And it makes for sensational television we cannot turn our eyes from. Kind of like a car accident on the side of the road. I just wish Simmern would stop saying, "That's absolutely fabulous!" through a mouthful of crickets or potato bugs!

Did you know the Number One most popular beer in Canada is Coors Light? Number Two is Bud Light. Those facts were the most disturbing things I discovered when in Toronto a few weeks ago. And Canadians are a beer-drinking bunch, but not so much their own brews evidently.

I have never enjoyed January...December neither for that matter. I lost my fascination for the holiday season long ago. My birthday is in January (tomorrow, the 26th). And that date has lost its luster for me as well. No one wants to get older after the age of 25. I remember my mid-20's as being when I had the most self-confidence as well as the most equal amounts I think, a very ambiguous time in my life. It was kind of like Autumn, not really Summer anymore, not quite Winter. The Equinox of my life. Sure, there have been many moments of joy and satisfaction since I was 25. But I just don't want to get any older. The old man in the mirror just ain't what he used to be. I must keep reminding myself that there is nothing I can about the passing of time. I must keep trying to be little better as each day and year goes by. My 59th year starts tomorrow...maybe it will be my best yet!

Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio?

Yours truly

Yours truly
So what's your story?
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