Monday, January 21, 2008


Actually, the word that comes to mind is remiss, showing neglect or inattention. From the Latin, remissus, from past participle of remiterre, to send back, relax.

e.g., "Skippy, it appears you have been remiss in taking care of your aquarium, indicated by the motionless fish carcasses floating near the surface".

e.g., "You lazy, thoughtless S.O.B. How could be so remiss as to not write anything in your blog for almost a week?"

True. I have exhibited much remissitude of late. In blog writing, phone calls to relatives, emails to same relatives and friends...I have been remiss.

The lame truth of it is, not much time or brain processing space left over for such activities.

The new pub/restaurant is almost complete, staff training begins in two weeks. Hiring and pre-training begins in the next few days. Most everything has been built, installed, painted, wall-papered, glued, hammered, and screwed in. Only a few details remain (100 or so) including plugging in the equipment, lighting the burners, uncorking the valves, and cleaning off the rest of the sawdust, metal shavings, and dirt. Literally tons of restaurant "smallwares", pots, pans, silverware, spatulas, plates, glasses, cups, and doo-dads are due to arrive this week...all needing to be unpacked, washed, and mis-en-placed. After that daunting task...we only need await the arrival of cases and cases of chicken breasts, burger patties, steaks, produce, soft drink mix, kegs and kegs of beer, bottles of alcohol, and margarita mix. It's almost time to start "playing restaurant" for real.

Bear with me, my blogmotic remissitude is inexcusable. I promise to do better. Photos of the above project in its splendiferous completed form forthcoming. If I haven't been institutionalized first, that is. In that case, I still may be able to blog a bit, as I have become very adept at typing with my feet.

We'll be firkin open soon!

Yours truly

Yours truly
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