Sunday, February 11, 2007

Got memorabilia?

My best friend collects, among other things, celebrity memorabilia. Specifically, he has hundreds of signed photographs and signature cards from all sorts of famous folks. One of these items of interest is a large, framed photograph with signature card of Anna Nicole Smith. It appears to be from her Playmate days as she is displaying her upper array in all its splendor. In our phone conversation the other day, I advised him to sell it soon, ie, don’t hold out for a bigger price. Anna Nicole Smith’s story is a sad one, no doubt. But since her passing, that “15 minutes” (she has managed to stretch into 15 years) is now down to about 7 minutes.

With that in is a list of other memorabilia that may not be as valuable as it once was. I’m not sure he owns any of this, but he may! Sell them now...

1. That famous cigar from the Clinton White house days...autographed by whats-her-face.

2. A white cook’s apron that Vic Tayback wore in Alice. There is a splotch of chili on it that resembles Jesus.

3. Any recording or photo of Lief Garrett.

4. Zza Zza Gabor.

5. A used diaper from Lisa Nowak’s shuttle mission.

6. A signed copy of a high school I.Q. test from Paris Hilton.

7. Nick Nolte’s D.A.R.E. recognition award.

8. Jennifer Hudson’s signed audition application card from American Idol...her “15 minute clock” is down to about 11 minutes.

9. The wide screen, HD DVD version of The Illusionist with “extras” including “The Making of The Illusionist”, 25 deleted scenes, blooper reel, and the DVD-ROM The Illusionist computer game. Comes with a $ 25 certificate to Starbucks to help keep you awake.

10. A little-known proposal to congress from George W. Bush suggesting allocation of $ 300 billion for a hydrogen filled zeppelin program.

If you have any of this stuff...unload it soon. They’re value is tenuous at best.

An homage to a line from Raiders of the Lost Ark, "...bury anything in the sand for 1000 years...and it will be valuable as well...".

Yours truly

Yours truly
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