Saturday, February 17, 2007

Horoscopes: Art or Science? Qualitative or Quantitative?

I have never really been into the horoscope thing. I don’t follow my horoscope on a daily basis would be more accurate. But I do check it from time to time just for fun.

To me, horoscopes are kind of like advertising focus groups. These marketing tools are utilized by companies and ad agencies to help tell them what to do. When Burger King, for instance, is looking at a new item to add to the menu, a new slogan, a new ad campaign, or a new commercial...they enlist the services of a company that puts together focus groups.

Focus groups are a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their attitudes towards a product, service, concept, idea, etc. Qualitative looks at the why and the how. These groups are usually free to talk amongst themselves and discuss the topic. On the flipside...there is quantitative research that uses math, theories, and hypotheses...looking at the what, where , and when...a survey, if you will. Subjective versus objective. Right brain versus left brain. Art versus science.

Hang on, I’m getting there...

One of the problems with focus groups and horoscopes is that the users and analyzers of said “research” tend to be very selective of what they choose to accept about the results. In other words, as an example...the ad executive who continues to hold focus groups about his idea until he gets the positive response he is looking for! Here’s another example (from my radio days)...a radio station general manager deciding to pull a popular song from a current playlist because of one negative phone call from a listener. This is qualitative research. If either of the two examples was using quantitative research, the would take a survey and go with the numbers...the majority...the percentages.

Wait, I’m almost there...

Back to horoscopes. Do we tend to reject the negative or less-than-polyannaesque predictions and embrace the warm and fuzzy stuff? Of course we do. That’s human nature. We gravitate toward acceptance and validation. That is the results we want to hear.

So, on a strictly personal level, is there a quantitative value to a horoscope? And my answer is “Yes”. Why not? Here’s my totally unscientific reasoning. The power of suggestion...the power of positive thinking...the power of self validation and self actualization. If you put your mind to it, it will happen. If you set a goal, you will reach it. If you feel good about yourself, you will succeed. If you are happy, people around you will be happy.

Let’s face it, most published horoscopes are very generic and don’t often stray to the “dark side of the force”. A "bad" horoscope is usually one that advises you to be conservative on that particular day. You won’t find a published horoscope saying that your plane will crash, or you will be hit by a bus. Those predictions are reserved for movies like Final Destination! My horoscope for today simply tells me to look at the difference between wanting and needing something. It’s not a “jump up and down” horoscope about winning the simply advises some introspection today. For Monday, it says “my magnanimity is paying off”. Better, but not earth-shattering. But...Monday’s horoscope (for me) validates some things I have been doing in my life. Some things that will take me closer to some of my goals. Little steps that often feel insignificant on a daily basis.

I’m there...

My Yahoo mail home page displays my weather forecast and my horoscope (by default, I didn’t choose that). And I do click on it from time to time. Maybe I should check out my horoscope more often. I know that it will not tell me exactly what to do about my life, my troubles, my finances...but it couldn’t hurt...could it? It is simply qualitative research designed for your entertainment...and for you to analyze and use as you see fit. By the way, the weather forecast on my home page is usually less accurate than my horoscope.

When they come up a quantitative horoscope...there will be big bucks to be made by someone!

Yours truly

Yours truly
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