Friday, June 15, 2007

He taught us science on T.V.

Before there was Nickleodeon, or the National Geographic Channel, The Discovery Channel, or the internet...there was Mr. Wizard.

From 1951 to 1964 Watch Mr. Wizard taught many of us baby-boomers about the wonders of science and nature on television. The star of this iconic t.v. show, Don Herbert, passed away the other day at the age of 89.

Through most of my childhood years, I dreamed of being a biologist. I was always fascinated with science, animals, and nature. My aspirations to pursue this field changed a bit in my early teen years to oceanography. I even knew what school I wanted to attend, San Diego State. But, later on, other interests and forces acted upon me and I gave up the biologist dream...perhaps I just grew out of my obsession with fish, frogs, microscopes, and test tubes. I wanted to get into film making instead.

Don Herbert was a soft spoken, easy to understand science mentor. He always seemed to have a couple of kids on the simple set he occupied for the 14 years that Watch Mr. Wizard was, and in black and white for most of its run.

For those who don’t remember, here’s the website. For those of us who do remember...thanks Don Herbert...we’ll miss you.

Yours truly

Yours truly
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