Friday, June 29, 2007

Warning: Do not do anything after taking this medication!

Well, the doc put me on another medication the other day. This particular pill is designed to lower triglyceride levels. Fine! "You're the doc, doc".

This med has stickers all over the label just like several others I take...

"Take medication orally 1/2 hour before a meal twice a day." Fortunately for us they always mention that "orally" thing...I'm quite sure it may not be as effective if I stuck it up my ass!

There is another warning on 4 out of the 6 prescriptions I take that says, "This drug may impair your ability to drive or operate machinery. USE CARE until you become familiar with its effects."

Should I assume that these "effects" are cumulative? In other words, by taking 4 medications with this warning should the warning actually say,

"These drugs may impair your ability to do anything except stay home from work and remain in a prone position watching cartoons or QVC on television. It's recommended that you never attempt to watch The Discovery Channel, The National Geographic Channel, or the Sci-Fi Channel as these may cause hallucenogenic episodes. Do not attempt to answer the phone as the caller may not understand what you are saying. Keep a drool towel close at hand. You will be catatonic asshole!"

Like I said, "You're the doc...doc!"

Yours truly

Yours truly
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