Monday, June 25, 2007

Still hoping to find the Land of Never Never

Is Neverland a metaphor for eternal childhood, immortality, or escapism? J.M. Barrie’s play suggests this.

Can you think back to every time someone told you “never”? Never run with scissors. Never cross the street without looking both ways. Never kill a ladybug. You will never amount to anything. Did you always accept this at face value? Did you question any of the nevers in your life?

Where would the world be if we didn’t question directives containing never?

In Peter Pan, Neverland was where you never aged. But you had to get there first. Children found Neverland when they flew onward for days. And the only way they ultimately found it was because the island of Neverland was always moving towards them. It was constantly heading in their direction.

Something has been heading in my direction all my life. Some point of contact. Some point of change. Up to this point, it has alluded me. It’s vagueness has been confusing. It has been hiding. Over the years, I’ve been afforded clues to what it is, but seldom any real answers or road map to its location.

I may be stairing it right in the face now. But I am still not certain that it isn’t another red herring in my life. An escapist’s dream. A fantasy. Another journey toward Never Neverland, the Neverwood, Fort Pan, the Grief Reef and Maze of Regrets.

Second to the right and straight on till morning. Those are still the directions to that place. I hope I never lose them.

Yours truly

Yours truly
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