Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Man, it's colder than a witch's...caldron!

My buddy in Albuquerque just chuckles when I tell him that it is cold here in California. When we exchange temperatures, sometimes our low is his high. And Albuquerque, New Mexico...relatively not that cold! I'm quite sure that my cousins in South Dakota (where I was born) would chuckly even louder if I told them that it is 25 degrees here this morning. They would welcome a winter day in January that balmy. It's like the Tundra up there this time of year. Did you see the movie Fargo? There is a scene is that movie where two guys are chatting outside somewhere...the sky is dark, dark, cloudy grey. The vapor is puffing out of their mouths with each breath like a steam engine. They are both dressed in thick, hooded parkas, Gortex gloves, and eskimo boots...

Guy #1: (Sweeping his snow-covered driveway. He gazes up at the sky) "Looks like it's gonna get cold."
Guy#2: (Looking up and around the sky) "Yah...I think you're right Sven!"

Now that's cold!!!

Yesterday, Loretta pretty much bounded out of bed around 7:30. Rare for her. The 7:30 part is normal...the bounding part is rare.

Loretta: "I want a donut!"
Me: "Me too. You're going, right?"
Loretta: "Ah huh!" (She pulls on her sweats and heads out the door)

One minute goes by...the front door opens. I begin to salivate slightly in anticipation of a glazed buttermilk donut from our favorite Friendly-Asian-Owned-Donut-Video-Trinket store.

Me: "Where's the donuts?" (A small amount of spittle dripping out of my mouth).
Loretta: "I didn't go yet. Where's a credit card?"
Me: " know we pledged not to use credit cards any more!"
Loretta: "Not for that scrape the windshield".
Me: "Oh".

We're kind of weather-spoiled here in California. Even my Seattle-ite daughter Jen misses the mild environs of the Central California coast where she grew up. Seattle has had their share of weather related mayhem of late.

Around here you can go to the supermarket at 6:00 am...when it is hovering around 30 degrees...and find several people dressed in shorts, cheap rubber flip-flops, and tank tops (most of the latter read something like "Shit Happens", "You Suck", or "Try Burning This Flag").

But, I'll take the freezing valley tule fog over a 107 degree cricket infestation day any day! At least you can stay in the house, in your robe, drink coffee, and write goofy blog posts.

Yours truly

Yours truly
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