Thursday, January 4, 2007

Sign On

After a few pitiful years of puttering around in the world of blogdom, I've decided to retire the personna non grata known as Hey, WossaMottaU.

It's not so much of a retirement as it is a sabatical of undetermined length. Hey, WossaMottaU was the actual blog link here is necessary as there will not be any further posts at that location. Although I may resurrect and do some judicial editing on a few old postings from that fruitless effort.

Jack Diddley will combine some of my interests in life. One of those interests, of course, is writing. Another is food. And, of course, photography.

One of the new aspects of Jack Diddley that was not present in Hey, WossaMottaU is that there is a subscription fee. This fee will be on a voluntary basis and will simply require you, the reader, to respond to the blog in the form of comments. Your "comment fee" will not be scrutinized nor criticized. A comment will not be required for every posting. But holy shit...say frigging something once in a while! By the way, I lied about the scrutinzing and criticizing part...just so you know.

Regarding the food part...I will post a recipe once in a while, or food critique, or a restaurant review. Or, if I still watched anything of Rachel Ray's, a stabbing comment or two about her gross over-exposure and talent for repelling people...just as an example.

The photography? What else can I say. When I get a shot...I may post it here. Maybe I will be re-inspired to click more. You can check out some of my pics here.

And as far as the writing prepared for the usual ascerbic one and no thing will be immune to exposure here. But I will try to be polite and fair...when possible!

If you've come here from the link in my old blog...thanks for visiting. Now post a comment confirming you were here...your subscription fee...or go away, stand facing a corner in the room, and wait for the witch!

Seriously...drop a line least once per decade. Let me know how you feel. Let me know what I should write about. Let me know what recipe might interest you...or a movie, or a TV show...or a book.

One of my other requests is that you pass this site link on to a few other people you know. Don't worry, I not making a client database and I won't contact them. I am not a stalker...yet.

If you feel what I write here stinks...piss off! Just kidding. Let me know why...write something better...then piss off!

It is time for me to go...for now. I have an appointment with an old friend...Foo King Uh Glee. We're meeting for breakfast at the Lee Kee Shipyard Cafe to discuss a book deal. She makes a great Moo Goo Gai Pan.

Yours truly

Yours truly
So what's your story?

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