Tuesday, January 9, 2007

A New Hope

A re-post from December 2004...

A New Hope is the title of the first Stars Wars movie (though actually Episode IV in George Lucas' series). With the New Year here (2005), it is nice to think that there is always that: Hope. In light of recent events in Asia, it is another moment in time to take stock in what we have. The "hope" is that we, you, all of us are able to step back a few paces...and look at ourselves. The "hope" is that we, as a species, will still be around at the end of this century...heck, through the end of this decade! The "hope" is that appreciation, tolerance, and goodwill can rule this planet.

My "hope" at times is that I will win the lottery. And, yes, as I drive in my new Hummer up the driveway of our brand new home in the countryside after playing golf at the club...my "hope" is that I will still desire to share the wealth...to share the fortune...to share the goodwill...and to empathize with people who need empathy.

I recently was fortunate enough to spend a little more than a day with my daughter, her fiance, and my wife in our home for the holidays. In the days leading up to the visit, I was feeling a little down and out about money, the holidays, life in general, and...that their visit was going to be so short. My shitty attitude caused a little riff in the force. I had to make a conscious effort to slap myself around a bit and re-think the situation. Nothing will resolve itself by luck, chance, or wishing...only by doing.

So this New Years...I truly hope you are planning to do the things that you have been wishing for...I know that I will be trying with all my might.

I re-posted this because it is still timely to me more than a year later. The end of the year and the beginning of the new year always seems to be tougher than the rest of year of all of us.

This is also an open letter to the people in my life who have recently provided me with support, guidance, and love during this "bump" in the road. You know who you are. I only hope that you are still there (with me) next year at this time.

Yours truly

Yours truly
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